Sacred Conversation

I created the Sacred Conversation series with the aim of approaching a theme that is both classic and contemporary: the spiritual, observed and perceived in its expressive freedom. “Spiritual” derives from the Latin word “spiritus,” meaning “breath,” a term that well expresses the lightness of painting suggesting transcendence. As in classical sacred conversations, spiritual themes merge with matter, ethereal elements share a physical space where abstraction takes shape, directing its gaze towards the viewer, who becomes an interlocutor in the conversation. The purity of white and the preciousness of gold specifically evoke these two material/immaterial elements, highlighting their points of contact, elective affinities, and their intrinsic dualism.

Holy Conversation

Classic Dark Words

I called this series of watercolors “Classic dark words”, elaborating a bodily coding of the gesture/alphabet. The work is part of a larger project called “Typo Wo-Man” elaborating a bodily coding of the gesture/alphabet that I propose as an act/dance performance of a story that only the body can express in a glossary of terms that can be enriched by the participants in the performance through an app I prototyped. Through the app, participants in the performance can interact by introducing new words that I’m going to perform with my body. This alphabet was created entirely with my body which has become a typographic sign of expression, sensation of an inner feeling, of moods of a body. One of the peculiarities of this series of watercolors is that the overall meaning of the work is restored thanks to the marks produced with invisible ink which complete and expand the work.These marks will be activated and displayed only by those who come into possession of the work and who choose whether to make them visible or hide them forever.

Hidden/obscure words are ritual, magical words that are part of a shared and personal dictionary at the same time. It’s about your own personal feeling that enters into relationship with other bodies and thoughts. It represents the very entity of the work through which one wants to enter into conversation with others. Memorable words mark our existence and accompany us in the repetition of signs that become a personification of ourselves.