Artist Statement

Tiziana Contino, a versatile artist, expresses herself through painting, photography, drawings, and interactive multimedia installations. Her style is characterized by the use of reflections acquired from bodies of water, weaving them into a dreamlike mosaic that reflects the philosophical ideas of Deleuze and Guattari on the nomadism of thought and deterritorialization. Her works evoke a sacred transcendence, casting an intimate light on the connection between humanity and the cosmos.




2013 ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE, Venice, Italy (finalist for performing arts)

2010 Celeste Prize 2010, Catania, Italy (finalist for performing arts)

2009 UNCENSORED finalist, Kunstart Bozen,- Bozen, Italy (finalist with multimedia installation)

2008 VIDEOMINUTO pop tv – International Video Festival, Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy (finalist with video)



2023 CLASSIC DARK WORDS , Medina Art Gallery, Rome

2012 Interactive Media Performance, BT’F Gallery – Bologna, Italy

2012 AAM interactive media performance / Auditorium Sole24ore – Milan, Italy

2011 PERTURBAMENTO – UNHEIMLICHKEIT / Sponge Living Space – Pesaro, Italy

2009 RUBER RUBRA RUBRUM…E’ COME DIRE ABRACADABRA / City Hall of Morbegno – Morbegno (SO), Italy

2006 <Transgenderismo>, Galleria Amantes – Turin, Italy

2006 In Depth, Galleria Studio Arte Fuori Centro – Rome, Italy



2023 EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS, Ex-Caserma Cassonello – Noto (SR), Italy

2019 7,7 lb Exhibition – Talk – Screening / NanaHomeGallery – Vancouver, Canada

2017 Imago Mundi ROTTE MEDITERRANEE (Luciano Benetton Collection) / ZAC Zisa – Contemporary Art Zone – Palermo, Italy

2015 CORPO – Performing Art Festival, LAGO apartment – Pescara, Italy

2015 Emotional Replacement, Montevergini Civic Art Gallery – Siracusa, Italy

2015 I-ART, “5 square, 5 senses”, C.o.C.A. Contemporary Arts Library Archive, – Modica, Italy

2014 TEOREMI performance festival, Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce – Genova, Italy

2014 The Others Art Fair / Le Nuove – Turin, Italy

2014 This is Sponge, BIO50} Hotel BIO50 – 4th Biennial of Design / Museum of Architecture and Design of Ljubljana – Ljubljana, Slovenia

2014 IV edition Bienal del Fin del Mundo, “Contrastes y Utopias” / Mar del Plata – Mar del Plata, Argentina

2013 Let’s Body talk, CRAC Contemporary Art Center – Cremona, Italy

2013 IN SERIES – artist’s multiples for a multiple show, RARE Office – Rethinking Architecture Research Experience – Berlin, Germany

2013 CROSSWAIS – III Expo – Marche Art Center, PalaRiviera – S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy

2013 CUNTemporary, ArtVerona Fair – Verona, Italy

2012 EAT, Emergent Artist Trans-mediterranean, Lombardy Regional Palace – Milan, Italy

2012 PIXEL – The New Generation of Italian videoart, PalaRiviera – San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy

2012 PRIMA LUCE – Young ideas in transit, Sala dogana – Palazzo Ducale di Genova – Genova, Italy

2012 SENSE 1+1, Werkbank – Lana (BZ), Italy

2012 ArtHUB / Spazioborgogno – Milan, Italy

2012 Performance as self-portrait, Dams – Bologna, Italy

2011 Festival Miden’”THE MONEYING OF LIFE”, OpenShowstudio – Athens, Greece

2011 DA2011, Institut für alles mögliche – Berlin, Germany

2011 In body. From performance to video – Circuito OFF Arte Fiera 2011, BT’F Gallery – Bologna, Italy

2011 RELOAD: SO EXOTIC! Exhibition Performance Series, Officine Rosati – Rome, Italy

2011 Contaminazioni, Civic Museum Polironiano – San Benedetto Po (MN), Italy

2011 TRACE BECOMING ART, Studio28 – Milan, Italy

2011 Fragments of reality, Palace of Culture – Catania, Italy

2011 54 VENICE BIENNIAL ITALIAN PAVILLION/ACADEMY, Tese di San Cristoforo, Arsenale – Venice, Italy

2010 Anakata 24+, Municipal Cultural Center IRIS – Salonicco, Greece

2010 QUANT AU LIVRE, Galerie Martainville – ERBA – Rouen, France

2010 FestArte VideoArt Festival – section off, MACRO Testaccio – La Pelanda Contermporary Art Museum – Rome, Italy


2009 Espressioni italiane, Italian Embassy – Athens, Greece

2009 GEMINE MUSE – (GAI giovani artisti italiani) / San Placido Monastery – Catania, Italy

2008 VIDEOMINUTO pop tv – International Video Festival, Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci – Prato, Italy

2008 Nevralgie, Pu-rì gallery – Mondolfo, Pescara, Italy

2008 DARKNESS IS NOON – Tina b – Festival of International Contemporary Art of Prague, Italian Culture Institute Prague – Praga, Cechia

2007 20th Instants Video Festival, Friche Belle de Mai – Marsille, France

2007 AFX Amsterdam Film Experience, Het Ketelhuis – Amsterdam, Netherlands

2007 Zone video 6 – Dream machines, Cinema La Perla – Empoli, Italy

2007 Video Art – Start from Zero, Alekton artspace – Athens, Greece

2007 CHOISES.IT, Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art “Montevergini” – Siracusa, Italy

2005 BJCEM – XII Biennial of european and mediterranean young artist, Castel Sant’Elmo – Napoli, Italy

2003 – 2004 Anteprima-QUADRIENNALE di Roma, Royal Palace – Napoli, Italy

2004 RE-FLEX, Court of city hall – Catania, Italy

2004 PIXEL – Microvision, selectionINVIDEO (Milano), Grimaldi Foundation – Modica (RG), Italy



2015 Imago Mundi Collection – Luciano Benetton, Italia

1999 Lendava Gallery-Museum – Mednarodna likovna kolonija Lendava, Slovenia



2010 “Narration and conveniences in the video”, with Marinella Senatore – San Giovanni Valdarno (Arezzo), Italy



2012 VISUAL ART PRIZE SANFEDELE, Visiting Professor Alvaro Gafaro, SANFEDELE Gallery, Milan, Italy

2010 coreographic workshop with Ime Essien –Hassel, DID studio, Ariella Vidach, AIEP, Milan, Italy

2008 Contemporary Mithologie; with: Matthew Barney; curator Olga Gambari. Academy of BB AA-Torino. Fondazione Merz, Turin, Italy

2008 Fucina.Off ’08, Performing media with Jan Klug and Actor Site Specific with Andrea Paciotto, Gallery of Modern Art of Spoleto, Italy

2007 Manufatto in situ, with: Hidetoshi Nagasawa, organization viaindustriae, Cancelli di Foligno, Perugia, Italy

2006 ISIDEM , with: Artur Zmijewski (Venice Biennal 2005); Salvatore Lacagnina (dir. Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art), Siracusa, Italy

2005 Animated movie; with Pierre Hebert in collaboration with Bob Ostertag- Acc.BB AA Catania, Zo contemporary culture Catania, Italy



2023 “L’Arte come filtro storico” pp. 184 – 189 in Insight – la cultura dell’altro n. 10, Fausto Lupetti editore, ISBN 9788868743871

2023 “Dematerialized book”, Camera book 2. New shares, formats and languages. Graphics, artistic publishing and book work, Fausto Lupetti editore, ISBN 978-8868743512

2022 “EXSISTENTIA Divenire + ∞” pp. 34 – 37 in Insight – la cultura dell’altro n. 9, Fausto Lupetti editore, ISBN 978-88-68743567

2016 “Il corpo che abito – Identità di genere e suoi transiti. Analisi dei linguaggi performativi contemporanei,” ed. Nicomp L. E., DAMS of Bologna, edited by Monalisa Tina and Stefano Ferrari. ISBN 978-88-97142744

2015 “Il senso del corpo,” FISAD 2015, First International Festival of Art and Design Schools, Albertina Press ISBN 978-88-909848-6-0

2013 “Interactive Psychosocial Art” essay by Tiziana Contino, ed. Quaderni del DAMS of Bologna, edited by Stefano Ferrari ISBN 97888905252420

2014 “Il corpo solitario. L’autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea,” by Giorgio Bonomi, Rubbettino Editore ISBN 978-88-49850512

2013 “CROSSWAIS – III Expo – Marche Centro d’Arte, PalaRiviera, S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP),” Vanilla Editions ISBN 978-88-6057-191-5

2013 ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE 2013, curator Igor Zanti

2012 “PIXEL – The New Generation of Italian Video Art,” ed. Marte, edited by Giovanni Viceconte

2011 “54th Venice Biennale, Academies Pavilion,” ed. Skira ISBN 978-88-572-1160-2

2011 Con-fine,n°18, “Il corpo in situazione”, Tiziana Contino, pagg. 51 – 53, Bologna

2010, Ferrero Editore, Torino, curator Francesco Poli, Francesco Bernardelli, Mario Gorni, Paola Nicita, Cristiana Perrella

2010 Narrazione e convenienze nel video, Ed. Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea, San Giovanni Valdarno

2010 Premio Celeste, ZeL ed. Treviso, curators Julia Draganovic, Gabi Scardi, Antonio Arèvalo, Francesca Baboni, Chiara Canali

2010 Arte e Critica n°62, pag 112, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2009 Arte e Critica n° 59 june/august, pag 107, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2009 Gemine Muse 2009, ed. Mondadori – Electa,Verona

2009 KunstArt 2009 International Art fair of Bolzano

2009 Espressioni Italiane, City of Athen, Athen

2008 Matthew Barney, “Mitologie del contemporaneo” (sez. workshop with Matthew Barney) ed. hopefullmonster

2008 Libro sensibile, Foligno, ed. Viainsdustriae

2008 Exibart.onpaper n° 47 gennaio/febbraio, pag 54

2008 Tina b., Festival of Contemporary Art of Praga, pagg. 48, 49, Praga

2007 ISIDEM,, “Che ci faccio qui?” ed. Erre produzioni, Siracusa, curator Salvatore Lacagnina

2007 Arte e Critica n° 53, pag.120, ‘Young art #2 CaAcB Piazza Armerina’, by Emanuela Nicoletti, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2006 – Arte e Critica febbraio, ‘doppia personale Contino – Catania da Arte fuoricentro’, pag.91; by Daniela Bigi ed.Lithograph, Città di Ca-stello (PG)

2006 Arte e Critica n° 47, Speciale Sicilia ‘Giovanissimi a Catania’ by Emanuela Nicoletti, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2006 Arte e Critica n° 46, pag 70, ‘Tiziana Contino da Dietro le quinte’, by Emanuela Nicoletti, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2005 Repubblica XL, “L’Arte inquieta”, pag. 136, by Alfredo D’Agnese

2005 BJCEM – XII Biennale dei giovani artisti d’Europa e del mediterraneo

2004 AA.VV., XIV Quadriennale d’Arte / Anteprima Napoli, ed. De Luca, Rome, edited by M. Bignardi, V. Conte, R. Notte, V. Trione, L. Barreca, F. Guida, G. Agnese

Artist Statement

Tiziana Contino, a versatile artist, expresses herself through painting, photography, drawings, and interactive multimedia installations. Her style is characterized by the use of reflections acquired from bodies of water, weaving them into a dreamlike mosaic that reflects the philosophical ideas of Deleuze and Guattari on the nomadism of thought and deterritorialization. Her works evoke a sacred transcendence, casting an intimate light on the connection between humanity and the cosmos.




2013 ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE, Venice, Italy (finalist for performing arts)

2010 Celeste Prize 2010, Catania, Italy (finalist for performing arts)

2009 UNCENSORED finalist, Kunstart Bozen,- Bozen, Italy (finalist with multimedia installation)

2008 VIDEOMINUTO pop tv – International Video Festival, Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy (finalist with video)



2023 CLASSIC DARK WORDS , Medina Art Gallery, Rome

2012 Interactive Media Performance, BT’F Gallery – Bologna, Italy

2012 AAM interactive media performance / Auditorium Sole24ore – Milan, Italy

2011 PERTURBAMENTO – UNHEIMLICHKEIT / Sponge Living Space – Pesaro, Italy

2009 RUBER RUBRA RUBRUM…E’ COME DIRE ABRACADABRA / City Hall of Morbegno – Morbegno (SO), Italy

2006 <Transgenderismo>, Galleria Amantes – Turin, Italy

2006 In Depth, Galleria Studio Arte Fuori Centro – Rome, Italy



2023 EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS, Ex-Caserma Cassonello – Noto (SR), Italy

2019 7,7 lb Exhibition – Talk – Screening / NanaHomeGallery – Vancouver, Canada

2017 Imago Mundi ROTTE MEDITERRANEE (Luciano Benetton Collection) / ZAC Zisa – Contemporary Art Zone – Palermo, Italy

2015 CORPO – Performing Art Festival, LAGO apartment – Pescara, Italy

2015 Emotional Replacement, Montevergini Civic Art Gallery – Siracusa, Italy

2015 I-ART, “5 square, 5 senses”, C.o.C.A. Contemporary Arts Library Archive, – Modica, Italy

2014 TEOREMI performance festival, Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce – Genova, Italy

2014 The Others Art Fair / Le Nuove – Turin, Italy

2014 This is Sponge, BIO50} Hotel BIO50 – 4th Biennial of Design / Museum of Architecture and Design of Ljubljana – Ljubljana, Slovenia

2014 IV edition Bienal del Fin del Mundo, “Contrastes y Utopias” / Mar del Plata – Mar del Plata, Argentina

2013 Let’s Body talk, CRAC Contemporary Art Center – Cremona, Italy

2013 IN SERIES – artist’s multiples for a multiple show, RARE Office – Rethinking Architecture Research Experience – Berlin, Germany

2013 CROSSWAIS – III Expo – Marche Art Center, PalaRiviera – S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy

2013 CUNTemporary, ArtVerona Fair – Verona, Italy

2012 EAT, Emergent Artist Trans-mediterranean, Lombardy Regional Palace – Milan, Italy

2012 PIXEL – The New Generation of Italian videoart, PalaRiviera – San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy

2012 PRIMA LUCE – Young ideas in transit, Sala dogana – Palazzo Ducale di Genova – Genova, Italy

2012 SENSE 1+1, Werkbank – Lana (BZ), Italy

2012 ArtHUB / Spazioborgogno – Milan, Italy

2012 Performance as self-portrait, Dams – Bologna, Italy

2011 Festival Miden’”THE MONEYING OF LIFE”, OpenShowstudio – Athens, Greece

2011 DA2011, Institut für alles mögliche – Berlin, Germany

2011 In body. From performance to video – Circuito OFF Arte Fiera 2011, BT’F Gallery – Bologna, Italy

2011 RELOAD: SO EXOTIC! Exhibition Performance Series, Officine Rosati – Rome, Italy

2011 Contaminazioni, Civic Museum Polironiano – San Benedetto Po (MN), Italy

2011 TRACE BECOMING ART, Studio28 – Milan, Italy

2011 Fragments of reality, Palace of Culture – Catania, Italy

2011 54 VENICE BIENNIAL ITALIAN PAVILLION/ACADEMY, Tese di San Cristoforo, Arsenale – Venice, Italy

2010 Anakata 24+, Municipal Cultural Center IRIS – Salonicco, Greece

2010 QUANT AU LIVRE, Galerie Martainville – ERBA – Rouen, France

2010 FestArte VideoArt Festival – section off, MACRO Testaccio – La Pelanda Contermporary Art Museum – Rome, Italy


2009 Espressioni italiane, Italian Embassy – Athens, Greece

2009 GEMINE MUSE – (GAI giovani artisti italiani) / San Placido Monastery – Catania, Italy

2008 VIDEOMINUTO pop tv – International Video Festival, Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci – Prato, Italy

2008 Nevralgie, Pu-rì gallery – Mondolfo, Pescara, Italy

2008 DARKNESS IS NOON – Tina b – Festival of International Contemporary Art of Prague, Italian Culture Institute Prague – Praga, Cechia

2007 20th Instants Video Festival, Friche Belle de Mai – Marsille, France

2007 AFX Amsterdam Film Experience, Het Ketelhuis – Amsterdam, Netherlands

2007 Zone video 6 – Dream machines, Cinema La Perla – Empoli, Italy

2007 Video Art – Start from Zero, Alekton artspace – Athens, Greece

2007 CHOISES.IT, Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art “Montevergini” – Siracusa, Italy

2005 BJCEM – XII Biennial of european and mediterranean young artist, Castel Sant’Elmo – Napoli, Italy

2003 – 2004 Anteprima-QUADRIENNALE di Roma, Royal Palace – Napoli, Italy

2004 RE-FLEX, Court of city hall – Catania, Italy

2004 PIXEL – Microvision, selectionINVIDEO (Milano), Grimaldi Foundation – Modica (RG), Italy



2015 Imago Mundi Collection – Luciano Benetton, Italia

1999 Lendava Gallery-Museum – Mednarodna likovna kolonija Lendava, Slovenia



2010 “Narration and conveniences in the video”, with Marinella Senatore – San Giovanni Valdarno (Arezzo), Italy



2012 VISUAL ART PRIZE SANFEDELE, Visiting Professor Alvaro Gafaro, SANFEDELE Gallery, Milan, Italy

2010 coreographic workshop with Ime Essien –Hassel, DID studio, Ariella Vidach, AIEP, Milan, Italy

2008 Contemporary Mithologie; with: Matthew Barney; curator Olga Gambari. Academy of BB AA-Torino. Fondazione Merz, Turin, Italy

2008 Fucina.Off ’08, Performing media with Jan Klug and Actor Site Specific with Andrea Paciotto, Gallery of Modern Art of Spoleto, Italy

2007 Manufatto in situ, with: Hidetoshi Nagasawa, organization viaindustriae, Cancelli di Foligno, Perugia, Italy

2006 ISIDEM , with: Artur Zmijewski (Venice Biennal 2005); Salvatore Lacagnina (dir. Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art), Siracusa, Italy

2005 Animated movie; with Pierre Hebert in collaboration with Bob Ostertag- Acc.BB AA Catania, Zo contemporary culture Catania, Italy



2023 “L’Arte come filtro storico” pp. 184 – 189 in Insight – la cultura dell’altro n. 10, Fausto Lupetti editore, ISBN 9788868743871

2023 “Dematerialized book”, Camera book 2. New shares, formats and languages. Graphics, artistic publishing and book work, Fausto Lupetti editore, ISBN 978-8868743512

2022 “EXSISTENTIA Divenire + ∞” pp. 34 – 37 in Insight – la cultura dell’altro n. 9, Fausto Lupetti editore, ISBN 978-88-68743567

2016 “Il corpo che abito – Identità di genere e suoi transiti. Analisi dei linguaggi performativi contemporanei,” ed. Nicomp L. E., DAMS of Bologna, edited by Monalisa Tina and Stefano Ferrari. ISBN 978-88-97142744

2015 “Il senso del corpo,” FISAD 2015, First International Festival of Art and Design Schools, Albertina Press ISBN 978-88-909848-6-0

2013 “Interactive Psychosocial Art” essay by Tiziana Contino, ed. Quaderni del DAMS of Bologna, edited by Stefano Ferrari ISBN 97888905252420

2014 “Il corpo solitario. L’autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea,” by Giorgio Bonomi, Rubbettino Editore ISBN 978-88-49850512

2013 “CROSSWAIS – III Expo – Marche Centro d’Arte, PalaRiviera, S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP),” Vanilla Editions ISBN 978-88-6057-191-5

2013 ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE 2013, curator Igor Zanti

2012 “PIXEL – The New Generation of Italian Video Art,” ed. Marte, edited by Giovanni Viceconte

2011 “54th Venice Biennale, Academies Pavilion,” ed. Skira ISBN 978-88-572-1160-2

2011 Con-fine,n°18, “Il corpo in situazione”, Tiziana Contino, pagg. 51 – 53, Bologna

2010, Ferrero Editore, Torino, curator Francesco Poli, Francesco Bernardelli, Mario Gorni, Paola Nicita, Cristiana Perrella

2010 Narrazione e convenienze nel video, Ed. Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea, San Giovanni Valdarno

2010 Premio Celeste, ZeL ed. Treviso, curators Julia Draganovic, Gabi Scardi, Antonio Arèvalo, Francesca Baboni, Chiara Canali

2010 Arte e Critica n°62, pag 112, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2009 Arte e Critica n° 59 june/august, pag 107, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2009 Gemine Muse 2009, ed. Mondadori – Electa,Verona

2009 KunstArt 2009 International Art fair of Bolzano

2009 Espressioni Italiane, City of Athen, Athen

2008 Matthew Barney, “Mitologie del contemporaneo” (sez. workshop with Matthew Barney) ed. hopefullmonster

2008 Libro sensibile, Foligno, ed. Viainsdustriae

2008 Exibart.onpaper n° 47 gennaio/febbraio, pag 54

2008 Tina b., Festival of Contemporary Art of Praga, pagg. 48, 49, Praga

2007 ISIDEM,, “Che ci faccio qui?” ed. Erre produzioni, Siracusa, curator Salvatore Lacagnina

2007 Arte e Critica n° 53, pag.120, ‘Young art #2 CaAcB Piazza Armerina’, by Emanuela Nicoletti, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2006 – Arte e Critica febbraio, ‘doppia personale Contino – Catania da Arte fuoricentro’, pag.91; by Daniela Bigi ed.Lithograph, Città di Ca-stello (PG)

2006 Arte e Critica n° 47, Speciale Sicilia ‘Giovanissimi a Catania’ by Emanuela Nicoletti, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2006 Arte e Critica n° 46, pag 70, ‘Tiziana Contino da Dietro le quinte’, by Emanuela Nicoletti, ed. Lithograph, Città di Castello (PG)

2005 Repubblica XL, “L’Arte inquieta”, pag. 136, by Alfredo D’Agnese

2005 BJCEM – XII Biennale dei giovani artisti d’Europa e del mediterraneo

2004 AA.VV., XIV Quadriennale d’Arte / Anteprima Napoli, ed. De Luca, Rome, edited by M. Bignardi, V. Conte, R. Notte, V. Trione, L. Barreca, F. Guida, G. Agnese